
Lemonheads are the equivalent of taking a fresh lemon, cutting it up into bite-size slices and jamming those incredibly sour pieces of fruit in your mouth and leaving it there. Nobody in his or her right mind would do such a thing right? Why would somebody subject himself or herself to such an overpowering sourness? I think the only logical explanation is that there is a little bit of sourpuss in all of us. The gumball sized shiny yellow piece of pucker has been a favorite of mine for as long as I can remember. I recall certain Halloweens where I would actually trade away my chocolate candy for a couple extra Lemonheads in my hand. What’s that? Six peanut butter cups for two Lemonheads? Hmmmmmmm…..sounds like a good deal to me!

The packaging itself is unmistakable. A clear pouch with a man whose head is shaped like, what else? A lemon. Not only is his face shaped like a lemon, but his bow-tie and nicely combed lemon hair makes Mr. Lemonhead seem like the type of nice fellow you would like to meet and shake hands with, right before devouring his cranium. After the initial sourness fades away in your mouth, the underlying layers of the Lemonhead turns to a sort of sugar coated jaw breaker that will keep a smile on your face for the rest of the day. There have always been sour candies out there but few rival the overall tastiness of the Lemonhead. So show me your pucker face and suck on a Lemonhead today, who knows, it might just make your day at work suck less.


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