Gummi-Aid Fruit Flavored Gummies


“For Life’s Boo Boos???

So let’s say you were one of the kids that got a golden ticket and were let into Willy Wonka’s factory. You make it inside but not all the way to the end. Your curiosity grabs a hold of you. You feel the urge to venture into a sacred part of the factory you shouldn’t. You get lost in a dark tunnel, but the smell of candy, chocolate, sour and sweet keep you running for more. Suddenly without seeing you trip and fall and get all kinds of banged up. What would you do? Do you call for help having ventured off the path? Do you crawl to the other side of the tunnel to the candy? Do you get medical treatment? Well one of the first things you should do is slap on a Gummi Band-Aid. Nothing could heal your wounds faster than a Gummi Band-Aid. It has the magic and all the splendid wonder that comes with quick healing and fast relief that a good Band-Aid should.

If you are like me, all thumbs, two left feet and clumsy since the day you were born, you might get a kick out of this. Gummi-Aid. They are Band-Aids in the flavor and shape and consistency and taste and everything similar to a band aid, just in Gummi form. In three flavors for you to enjoy. Now the idea of Band-Aids as a treat might not sound to appealing, but believe you me these guys are well worth the risk. You can put them in the medicine cabinet and take one to you friends when they are hurt and watch the reaction they will get. Not only will they think it’s a god treat but watch as the pain fades away as they snack on such a Gummi treat. Gummi-Aid has cured many a “boo boo” as y grandma would call it, while I was outside playing or rough housing with my younger brother. Sure enough one of us would get hurt and she would have to separate us. But we knew what was coming. Gummi-Aid. And sometimes we would fight just so we could get the treat. Gotcha Grandma!

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