5 Gum

“5 is the new black.” Though you won’t see the manufacturer’s name anywhere on the package, Wrigley’s is the company behind “5”, the newest product to hit candy shelves. The name sticks, as each sugar-free piece of chewing gum has only five calories. Some people think there’s a greater significance to the name. Does 5 ignite the five senses when  chewed? It has been five years since Wrigley’s introduced Orbit gum in 2002. Could that be the reason for the mysterious, numeric product name?

Once you get past the perplexing title, you can instantly appreciate 5 for its sleek, black packaging. In fact, the company is targeting teens with this product with the slogan “5 is the new black.” I was familiar with this gum before I tried it, since I’d seen one of the company’s advertisements playing on the big screen in a pre-movie commercial. I was intrigued by the image of the gum before I even tasted it—talk about effective advertising.

When I picked up the box, I thought it looked strikingly similar to a pack of cigarettes. The gum sticks even stand upright in the pack and slide out the top like cigarettes would. The gum definitely has a bad-boy image to it, as much it is possible for a chewing gum to seem rebellious. Available in three flavors—Cobalt (Peppermint), Flare (Cinnamon), and Rain (Spearmint)—each pack contains 15 pieces of gum covered in bright, color-coordinated foil of red, blue, or green. Rain tastes a lot like other spearmint gums on the market—nothing new there. Flare is a bit tamer than Big Red, with more of a bubble gum flavor to it than the hot and spicy cinnamon you would expect. And Cobalt is refreshing like a candy cane, but again, not as intense as you would expect from the packaging. I must say that the flavor, though not as intense as some other gums bring, lasts and lasts. It’s doubtful that chewing a certain type of gum can give you an image boost. But if any gum could make you cool, it would be 5.

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1 thought on “5 Gum

  1. heco

    I am certainly no teenager; nor am I an avid gum chewer, but I simply could not help myself in the grocery store ….The packaging, the “feel” and weight of the box intrigued me too much not to try it. Just once.

    Now don’t get me wrong, this gum DOES come through on its promise – delicious, long-lasting taste – but the dressy box truly is this product’s selling point. The design of the flip-top box is both practical and sleek; the dramatic use of colours, contrast and character fonts are eye-catching; the coloured foil wrapped gum inside the box adds another “wow”. All that before you even get to taste the gum – and as I said, it is flavourful and long lasting. But back to the box…

    The whole design reminds me not of cigarettes, interestingly enough, but of those boxes containing those special writing tablet & envelope set our grandmothers kept in the top drawer of their desk – or even exclusive wedding invitation envelopes. Furthermore, the flap closes much like the latch of a diary, keeping everything safe inside.

    I can see myself pulling out a box and offering gum when I go out for drinks or to supper with friends; I can see these boxes placed on tables at weddings or other special gathering.

    10 out of 10 for design
    10 out of 10 for pricing
    10 out of 10 for taste

    Still waiting to see the advertisements – promoting the *5 senses* thang is a bit gimicky, pushing the fact that there are only 5 calories (didn’t TicTac make a “mint” with that sort of advertising campagn?) is going to put this gum ahead of its competition.

    Congrats to Wrigley’s. Oh- one other thing: I didn’t like the Flash website at all — but as I said, I am not a teenager!

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