
“Do you love someone enough to give them your last Rolo???? This is the slogan that has graced Rolo packages for years. So I come to you, candy kids, to ask you the very same question. Do you love someone enough to give them your last Rolo? Now for me, the answer is simple, I love the Good Doctor with all my heart, so I would gladly give him my last Rolo. And chances are he’d half it with me. But anyone else? No way, Jose! Rolos are chewy, chocolaty little morsels that I like to eat one by one. Gulp…gone!

Rolos are chocolate covered caramels. When you bite into them, the gooey golden center stares at you like a great, golden eye. You feel like you have been given a rare gift. In fact, each little Rolo is like a little treasure. A cylindrical wheel of chocolaty treasure chest goodness that is filled to the brim with rich, caramel-y sweetness. Rolos are a great candy for sharing, as they come seven to a tube. An odd number, yes, but a good one nonetheless. They are individually wrapped in gold foil which just further enhances my “treasure chest??? analogy. The milk chocolate is sweet and soft while the caramel center is chewy and just plain delicious. Rolos are truly a taste treat, if you don’t believe me, try them for yourself. But save me one, would ya?



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