OH. MY. GOD. I have died and gone to candy bar heaven. What did I do so right in my time on earth to deserve such a delicious, delectable taste sensation? Seriously people, this new candy bar from Reese’s is (as the Good Doctor so eloquently puts it) the “BOMB DIGGITY!??? This candy bar is the shnizz, shnap, shnip, shnat, snack! The candy that bar is four, count them, FOUR layers of goodness. Four layers of peanut-y, peanut-butter-y, peanut-flaky, chocolaty awesomness. It is a taste explosion. God, this bar is good!

So Reese’s is known for their original peanut butter cups. One of my all time favorite candies. If you’ve been paying attention to my blogs, then you’ll know that peanut butter and chocolate together are two of my favorite things in the world. I love that flavor combination. It goes so well together. Like peanut butter and jelly. Nutella and banana. Lamb and tuna fish…

Now, Reese’s has decided to throw in a hail mary and go for the gold. And they have struck it rich with this lil’ number! A flaky, peanut-buttery center is topped of with sweet and salty peanut butter. You know the kind I am talking about. Reese’s signature peanut butter. No one in the world can make it like they can. Then, they add a layer of chopped, fresh-roasted peanuts and the whole thing is drenched in rich, creamy milk chocolate. So again, four layers of peanut butter chocolate goodness. Not one, not two, not even three, but FOUR! It is crunchy and creamy, sweet and salty, oh-so-yummy-in-my-tummy. I can’t stand it! It’s so tasty! Try it. Stop whatever you are doing and go get this candy bar. I’m not kidding, it’s that good. What are you waiting for??? GO!


  1. cakesbyjess

    I just tried one of these pieces of heaven tonight, and it is the most amazing candy bar I’ve ever tasted!!!! Like you, I am MAD about chocolate and pb together. This candy bar is just crazy amazing!!!!!

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