Gold Mine Nugget Bubble Gum


There’s gold in them there hills boys. Espeez Gold mine bubble gum that is.  This uniquely packaged bubble gum was a real big hit back in the 70’s and for those of us that enjoy the nostalgia of retro candies and bubble gum, this is a very special treat. This particular gum comes in what appears to be a miniature burlap sack, but when opened you find dozens of little golden nuggets of bubble gum fun. It makes me almost wish I were a gold miner in the early 1800’s. Dirty, unshaven, with sore butt cheeks from riding a mule up a hill for nine hours straight. But it will be worth it when I reach the small flowing brook that is rumored to have huge flakes of gold just waiting for those diligent souls that spend weeks on end sifting through the river bed. I find myself clinging to nothing but the frail hope that maybe, just maybe all those years of hardship on my step-fathers farm may finally be over and my dreams will finally materialize in the form of beautiful golden nugget. I haven’t bathed in weeks and I have been forced to live off of roasted squirrels and wild berries, but soon very soon all of the hardship, braving the wild, and finally having to eat my friendly mule that helped me up the mountain…….it will all be worth it.

It didn’t always have a happy ending for most of those poor souls that risked everything they had for a chance at early retirement. But fortunately you are able to have your own bag of golden nuggets at a fraction of what it cost those early pioneers. Not to mention there is very little chance of freezing to death in a snowstorm or getting eaten alive by a pack of ravenous wolves.  The gum itself is rather tasty, the only way I can describe the flavor is well, tooty-fruity. The only real problem I had was that it was so gooey after a couple minutes of chewing on it that it started to stick to my fillings. Which If I do say so myself was a rather unpleasant experience. I would take eating barbecued squirrel any day over gum that sticks to my fillings.



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